
Comparing MongoDB Backup Services and Providers: How to Choose the Right One

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Comparing MongoDB Backup Services and Providers: How to Choose the Right One


As businesses increasingly rely on MongoDB databases, ensuring robust and reliable backup solutions becomes critical. This article provides a comprehensive comparison of leading MongoDB backup providers, delving into the key factors to consider when choosing the best option for your organization. From looking into backup methods, management options, security features, and pricing, we explore the unique offerings of each provider to help you make the right choice in optimizing the safety and integrity of your valuable data. Additionally, we introduce you to the simplicity and efficiency of Slik Protect—a solution that automates MongoDB backups and restoration at a regular interval once configured, ensuring your data remains secure and business continuity is never compromised.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Backup Methods and Techniques
  3. Management Options
  4. Security Features
  5. Pricing
  • MongoDB Atlas
  • Percona
  • Rubrik
  • SolarWinds
  • Slik Protect
  1. Backup Providers
  2. Conclusion

1. Introduction

MongoDB has become increasingly popular as the go-to database system for many organizations. With its flexibility, scalability, and ease of use, MongoDB is a powerful tool for handling growing data needs. However, as enterprises invest more heavily in MongoDB, ensuring that their databases are adequately backed up and protected becomes paramount.

In this article, we compare several leading MongoDB backup providers based on the following criteria:

  • Backup methods and techniques
  • Management options
  • Security features
  • Pricing

Our goal is to guide you in choosing the right MongoDB backup service for your organization, one that caters to your unique business requirements and guarantees the safety of your critical data.

2. Backup Methods and Techniques

There are several different backup methods to consider when evaluating MongoDB backup providers.

  • Logical Backup– This method exports data in a human-readable format, such as JSON or BSON. Although logical backups are portable and flexible, they can be slow to perform and restore compared to other methods.
  • Physical Backup– This method creates a snapshot of the database files, preserving its binary data. Physical backups are faster but are more prone to corruption and require identical hardware and software environments for restoration.
  • Incremental Backup– This method saves only changes made to the data since the last backup. Incremental backups can reduce both the storage space and time required to perform backups but often take longer to restore.

3. Management Options

To ensure an efficient backup process that meets the demands of your organization, you'll want a provider that offers a range of management options:

  • Automated Backups– A provider that enables automated scheduling and execution of backups is essential for easing workload and promoting peace of mind.
  • Backup Monitoring– Adequate backup monitoring options will help you stay informed of any issues encountered within the backup process, preventing unnecessary downtime or data loss.
  • Backup Retention Policies– Customizable retention policies can help keep your backups optimized, relevant, and cost-effective.

4. Security Features

To protect your data and ensure security compliance, look for MongoDB backup services that offer robust security features:

  • Encryption– Data should be encrypted both in transit and at rest to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Access Control– The availability of user access controls and authentication can help limit the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Compliance– Ensure that the provider is compliant with relevant industry regulations, such as GDPR or HIPAA, depending on your specific needs.

5. Pricing

Different MongoDB backup providers will offer varying pricing structures. Evaluate these based on your organization's budget and requirements:

  • Storage Cost– The cost of storing your backups in the provider's infrastructure.
  • Retrieval Cost– Any additional cost incurred when restoring from a backup.
  • API Request Cost– Some providers charge extra fees for API calls, which could impact cost-effectiveness.

6. Backup Providers

Below, we compare several MongoDB backup providers and discuss their distinctive offerings based on the aforementioned criteria.

MongoDB Atlas

MongoDB Atlas is a fully managed database service that offers native backup functionality for its users. It includes:

  • Continuous backups for efficient point-in-time recovery.
  • Incremental snapshots to ensure minimal storage and time consumption.
  • Customizable retention policies.
  • Encryption of data both in transit and at rest.

However, the price structure for MongoDB Atlas can be complex, with storage costs, API request costs, and data retrieval costs contributing to the overall expenses.


Percona offers a suite of tools for managing and backing up MongoDB databases. It provides:

  • Percona Server for MongoDB – An open-source fork of MongoDB with additional features, including backup capabilities.
  • Percona Backup for MongoDB – A standalone backup tool that offers logical and physical backups for MongoDB databases.

Percona's open-source nature provides flexible and cost-effective backup solutions but may not be suitable for organizations requiring extensive support and security features.


Rubrik offers a comprehensive platform for data management and backup, including MongoDB support. Its features include:

  • Incremental backups through snapshot technology.
  • Retention policies that can be applied based on individual requirements.
  • Encryption at rest and in transit.
  • Compliance with several industry regulations, including GDPR and HIPAA.

However, Rubrik's pricing can be seen as high compared to alternative MongoDB backup providers, which may not suit all organizations.


SolarWinds is a widely recognized name in IT management and offers a suite of data protection tools, including support for MongoDB backup. Notable features include:

  • Easy setup and configuration.
  • Incremental backups.
  • Extensive backup monitoring and reporting.
  • Encryption in transit and at rest.

Unfortunately, SolarWinds pricing can be less than transparent, with many factors influencing the final cost, making it difficult for potential customers to anticipate their expenses.

Slik Protect

Slik Protect is a simple and easy-to-use solution for MongoDB backups that offers automation of the backup and restoration processes. Once configured—ideally in under 2 minutes—Slik Protect guarantees that your data remains secure and business continuity is never compromised. Key features include:

  • Automated MongoDB backups and restoration at regular intervals.
  • Fast setup and easy management.
  • Encrypted backups in transit and at rest.
  • Cloud-native architecture – enabling organizations to scale without the fear of data loss.
  • Transparent, cost-effective pricing.

Slik Protect is an excellent choice for businesses looking for a straightforward, user-friendly, and reliable backup solution for their MongoDB databases, ensuring peace of mind and undisrupted business continuity.

7. Conclusion

When comparing MongoDB backup services and providers, it's crucial to consider factors such as backup methods, management options, security features, and pricing. Each organization will have its unique needs and requirements, and it's essential to invest in a backup provider that aligns with those demands.

Slik Protect offers an elegant and straightforward solution that automates the MongoDB backup and restoration process while remaining cost-effective and ensuring data security. With a quick setup and configuration time, minimal management requirements, and guaranteed business continuity, Slik Protect is a strong contender for organizations seeking simplicity and reliability in their MongoDB backup solution.